16th December 2008 - Board Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of theBoardof the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held onTuesday 16th December 2008at1.45pmin theBoardroom, National Blood Centre, James’s Street,Dublin8.


Present:                                 Ms.Maura McGrath(Chairperson)

Dr. Mary Cahill

Dr. Robert Landers

Mr.Sean Wyse

                                                Mr. David Lowe

Ms.Margaret Mullett

Mr. Gerry O’Dwyer

Ms. Jane O’Brien

Mr David Keenan

Dr Margaret Murray

Mr Mark Moran


Apologies:                              Mr. Cees Van Der Poel


Also in attendance:               Mr. Andrew Kelly, Chief Executive

Dr. William Murphy, Medical &Scientific Director

Ms Mirenda O’Donovan Secretary to theBoard


The Chairperson thanked the Board members for attending the meeting earlier than scheduled and briefed the Board on developments regarding the Centre in Cork.  The Chair thanked the Chief Executive and his senior team for pursuing the issue.  It was agreed that the Chairperson and the Chief Executive would leave the meeting and brief the Regional Director personally on the Government’s decision and that the Regional Director would then join the Board for a discussion. 

It was agreed that after this, the Chief Executive and the Regional Director would brief the staff in Corkvia conference call and that the Board would then issue a statement.  It was agreed that the Chief Executive would travel to Cork the following morning to meet the staff.  The Board agreed that Mr Sean Wyse would Chair the meeting in the Chairpersons’ absence. 


1.                 Minutes of the meeting of 18th November 2008

The minutes of the meeting of the Board of 18th November 2008were agreed subject to amendment and were proposed by Mr Gerry O’Dwyer and seconded by Mr Mark Moran.

2.                 Matters arising


3.                 Chief Executive’s Report


Blood supply

The blood supply is very good and there was an excellent response to the campaign for donations commenced in early November.  Stock levels of O negative were low and there was some discussion about O negative stock management in the hospitals.

Annual Report

It was agreed that the Report would need to be completed early in the year. 

4.                 Presentation on NHO Annual Report 2007

The Director of the NHO gave a presentation on the findings of the NHO Annual Report. The Board thanked her for her detailed and informative presentation.

5.                 Minutes of the MAC meeting– 21st October 2008



Dr. Cahill noted that the MAC had been informed today by Dr. O’Riordan that a test for vCJD was imminent i.e. probably within the next 6 months.  It is probable that this test would be CE marked and approved.  It was also noted that the IBTS will be undertaking qualitative research among a sample of the IBTS donor base to see how donors would react to a potential test for vCJD given that there is no confirmatory test available. Dr. O’Riordan will be making a presentation to the February Board meeting where the implications of this issue could be discussed further.

This will be forwarded as part of an option appraisal on prion filtration in Irelandto the DOH&C; initial discussions have already taken place with DOH&C and HIQA pending the outcome of these studies, and they are aware of the current position, and that an option appraisal document is being prepared and will be submitted in early 2009.

            BP / Pulse at clinics

Dr. Cahill noted that the MAC had extensively discussed this issue and agreed a set of recommendations on how to progress.  She will fully brief the January Board meeting on proposed recommendations.

6.                 Cork Centre (item 7 on the agenda)

Dr Power joined the Board for this item as agreed at the start of the meeting.  The Board welcomed the decision by Government to go ahead with the redevelopment of the Cork Centre.  It was acknowledged that while the full range of activities would not be part of the redevelopment, the Board were very pleased that the Government had decided to make such a significant investment in the future of the IBTS in the Munster region, in spite of the significant pressure on public finances.

7.                 Code of Practice for IBTS Board members – Review (item 6 on the agenda)

The Board reviewed the Code of Practice for Board members.  No amendments were proposed.  The Board also noted the Department of Finance Circulars on travel and subsistence had been circulated in their Board papers. 

The Board discussed the arrangements for dealing with media/FOI queries. 

8.                 Date of next meeting

The proposed schedule of meetings for 2009 was agreed by the Board.  The next meeting of the Board would be on Tuesday 20th January at 2pm.

Signed: _________________                         Date:_______________